Jens Lueck
Jens Lueck was confronted with music very early in his life. The first impetus was given to him by his grandmother, who started to regularly play classical music to him at an early age. By the time he was seven he took classical piano lessons and became a big fan of Johann Sebastian Bach (“I drove my piano instructor crazy because I refused to play almost everything else.”)
As the years went by, he also discovered Pop-, Jazz- and Rockmusic. The journey began with Abba and Bands like Alan Parson’s Projekt, Eloy and Supertramp quickly led him to Deep Purple, Camel, Pat Metheny, Pink Floyd and Genesis. These last two bands finally initiated his decision to found his own band.
By coincidence he ended up playing the drums and fell in love with this instrument. Due to the circumstance that all the rehearsals took place in the cellar of the parental home, he often played the bass too and experimented with songwriting by taking “pingpong records” using two cassette recorders. His interest in sound and audio engineering grew and his musical skills developed.
After graduation he moved to Hamburg, where he additonally received the education to be an audioengineer (after he had abandoned the studies of physics to fully concentrate on music) and worked on a personal music project. For the first time he recorded music for other artists as well and with the passage of time he built up a complete studio where he realises his own and other productions even today. In addition to SINGLE CELLED ORGANISM, his own projects include SYRINX CALL (with Volker Kuinke) and ISGAARD.
He worked as producer/ enigneer/ composer for, inter alia, several film music productions, Sylvan, Ricochet, Frank Ramond, Rainbow Serpent, Eloy, Kind of Blue, Lidia Kopania, Rain for a day, Huxley Would Approve and many others.
Single Celled Organism is the return to his roots, which lie in Progressive/ Art Rock.
Link to Art of Music Studio: